Kham Carr contacted me early in the year telling me that her husband was leaving on an out-of-state training course which would take him far away from his two young daughters for six or more weeks. She wanted very much to capture her family right now at that moment. Gracie had just turned two and her little sister, Ava, was almost one.
Kham wanted a natural session of her family in the outdoors. She had been to my website and pointed out a photo which touched her. The one she chose was one of those serendipitous shots, taken outdoors in a garden. The child was stooped to examine some little thing at her feet. I love those photos which show children engaging in natural world, showing their curiosity and wonder and so have quite a few of them on my website. I felt pretty sure that Kham and I were going to work together wonderfully based on our conversation.
Of course, the girls were delightful. And the session was magic because Kham and her husband, Graydon were relaxed and went with the flow. I began the session in the home and then we moved to the outdoors to a delightful setting on the shore of a local pond. Gracie was at first tentative but then increasingly became attuned to her surroundings and started to explore, with the guiding hands of her parents only steps away.
I love this sequence of photos. One of them graces my home page right now.

We each have different reasons for wanting to have a professional session done with our children. Perhaps we feel that the child is ready for a formal portrait, which is a tradition in your family. Or a special occasion like a birthday or event like a family wedding may prompt you to think about capturing your child or family at this time. But you might also want to consider a more informal lifestyle type of session like the one I did with the Carr family. Family laughing and playing together is certainly an appropriate time to celebrate and commemorate for the future. They grow up so darned quickly.

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