I have a very special friend in Sweden. We connected online through a photographers forum. She's so much fun. She's also very talented and crafty. I admired a handmade bookmark she made for someone else and like magic, my own arrived in the mail. Not just one bookmark, but two, one for me and one for Bruce as well. Isn't that sweet !! And a handmade card and personalized note. Do you know how rare that is these days !!
Check these out.
BTW, the poem is in a book of black and white photographs by Dorothea Lange (May 25, 1895 – October 11, 1965), a fabulous photographer best known for photographing depression-era families. This book is about her visits to a cabin on the California Coast. These cabins are now operated by the California State Parks. We've visited and stayed a couple time and have reservations again later this spring.
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